Thursday, November 20, 2008

Should we have Myspace?

I think we should have a school Myspace such as, We have a Myspace that we can check at school were they can make sure were not putting up and bad pictures,or saying bad words. Also we can set it so only friends can see your Myspace and not a complete stranger. Because "stranger danger" is out there we would defiantly need to use that feature. I have a Myspace and only have my freinds on there. I know some people who add People that they dont know that say there from the same area, But who knows it could be some 40 year old freakezoid that likes to do bad things to teens or children. yes i think we should have Myspace at school

Monday, November 17, 2008


7. Samsung Amoled Concept
AMOLED concept notebook by Samsung features a unique design which is thin and sleek and a touch-sensitive keyboard which lacks tactile feedback.

Sounds like a good computer i like the look and the ideas

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Winter or Summer!!

Im a huge winter fan cause one reason!!! Snowboarding! I wish it wasn't so expensive to get a season pass At the mountain. so this year im gunna go do some back country buy a new board and some new snow pants and jacket. get a some avalanche gear and just go up

Friday, November 7, 2008

Off To Windsor Today!@@!@!@!@!#!@!#!@#!

Well im going to Windsor Colorado today to see one of my best freinds Amo. Woot Woot, well probley just play xbox live and chill =D very Excite

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Go obama

yes woot go you obama!!! yes he has it in the bag