Wednesday, December 17, 2008

snow by the feet! Read this its beautifull!!!!
its what we have been waiting for all year!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Should we have Myspace?

I think we should have a school Myspace such as, We have a Myspace that we can check at school were they can make sure were not putting up and bad pictures,or saying bad words. Also we can set it so only friends can see your Myspace and not a complete stranger. Because "stranger danger" is out there we would defiantly need to use that feature. I have a Myspace and only have my freinds on there. I know some people who add People that they dont know that say there from the same area, But who knows it could be some 40 year old freakezoid that likes to do bad things to teens or children. yes i think we should have Myspace at school

Monday, November 17, 2008


7. Samsung Amoled Concept
AMOLED concept notebook by Samsung features a unique design which is thin and sleek and a touch-sensitive keyboard which lacks tactile feedback.

Sounds like a good computer i like the look and the ideas

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Winter or Summer!!

Im a huge winter fan cause one reason!!! Snowboarding! I wish it wasn't so expensive to get a season pass At the mountain. so this year im gunna go do some back country buy a new board and some new snow pants and jacket. get a some avalanche gear and just go up

Friday, November 7, 2008

Off To Windsor Today!@@!@!@!@!#!@!#!@#!

Well im going to Windsor Colorado today to see one of my best freinds Amo. Woot Woot, well probley just play xbox live and chill =D very Excite

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Go obama

yes woot go you obama!!! yes he has it in the bag

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

9/11 was it all a lie?

9/11 seemed like just a normal day, but around 8:44 am the first plane hit the right tower. Then around 9 am the second plane hit the next tower. yes this is tragic but was it a act of terrorism? There has been people that defiantly done there research, if you look at this picture that is right before the plane hits..that's not a good picture of it if it wasn't so blurry you could see the shadow of the plane doest meet, what is up with the flash before the plane even hits the building first?? Now look at the pictures of the planes same planes why do they look different?? look at the top picture you can barrly see it but there is some weird stuff on the plane. Here is the link to the site i got the pictures from you will beable to see better But why would the government do this to its own country, does not make sence. i havent done as much research as others but i will have more posted later.

Friday, October 17, 2008


I dont know to much about him but apparently he is a pretty popular. The funny thing is that by the money rate he has he would be eligible for a tax deduction not a raise. thats all i know sorry p

Thursday, October 16, 2008

New plains.

well amo cant come down couse somthing happend. So my mom has to go to Denver anyways so she is just gunna drop me off in Windsor.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Mac Vs. Pc

(these are my opinions)
Ive heard some bad things about Mac Computers. Ive heard that they crash allot. Another huge issue for me is that they are pretty expensive compared to Windows or Dell. But Ive also heard some good things also, like they are fast, Sturdy like Ive you accidentally drop it it wont bust because it is part metal.
Pc's also have some cons and pros to them. I currently have a Windows Vista, I love it hasnt crashed on me yet ive had it for about 3 months. The cons on it is that it was pretty expencive. Also it can be slow at times but that also can just be my internet.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

PURTTY excited!

So one of my bestest freind ever moved last year "Amo" or Amedaus he moved to a town called Windsor. Well any ways he is coming down this friday to stay at my house!! Woot


Monday, October 13, 2008

My Nerdy Self.

Guitar Hero 4 (world tour) comes out at the end of this month, Im pretty excited cause this is the new generation of gaming, in gh4 you can actualy create your own song, i know right? Also it is going to be similar to rock band, its gunna have drums, microphone, guitar, and bass guitar. The cool thing about Creating your own song is that you can post up to 3 xboxlive and you can download other peoples songs to try them out. My problem is its going to cost $190 starting so im gunna wait, another down side is my xbox is so old got it when the xbox first came out its starting to break on me, Idk if its going to make it to the end of the month.


Dance Problems.

"bumping and grinding" well i think it should not be banned in this school, i don't go to dances but i know it goes on, i don't see a problem with it is just a style of dance. They say parents have a problem with it, this is just my opinion but i think some parrents are just not used to the "New Generation" I know this is a "inerproreit" but just remember its just a style of dance.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

What i is doin this here weekend

Well tonight i am going to hangout with Skyler, probly play some video games and just chill, tomorrow i will be just hangout at my casa, play video games, then Saturday i am going to go to my sisters house, hangout watch movies. Sunday i will be coming home cause i have school on Monday...


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Censorship and my opinion

I believe the school does need a filter...but not as much as they are doing it.. there is some sites that def. need to be blocked like the site "myspace" because that is there is some things that are on that site that are not appropriate for school as in cuss words inappropriate pictures. Games are also a good thing to block, trust me i love to play video games but school is not the time to be playing games. The Things i think that shouldnt be blocked "" that is the site email i use all the time and i cant get to it here, why i think it should be unblocked is because i spend most of my time at school, and it would be nice to be able to access that. Also stuff for class that you have to research like "under age drinking" or stuff like "movie stuff" not sure if that is still censored but last time i tried to go there it got blocked. so i think they should Minimize the censorship

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Family Problems.

Well First to start, My Ant and Uncle are getting a devorice, the upsets me couse we all were verry close and it makes me sad to see them splite apart. Another Problem my dad doesnt know if he can afford to come and see me over Christmas, wich means ill have to wait another 5-6 months to see him(hope he can come up for my gradutaion). My Cousin in Iowa fell out of a tree while he was cutting branches and he got very badly hurt, broke his Femur and hert stuff in in his back, bad thing is i cant go and see him.



Alber Enstien once said "Imagination is more important then knowlege" Yes it is because with Imagination you can go further then ones knowlege, knowlege has a limite to it a person can only know so much. But with imagination is a never ending deal, There has been great invintions with imagination but also there is some knowlege put into it. Imagination is a powerfull thing that cant be lost, but knowlege can be lost forever. Here are some facts about it. FACT: It took Imagination to make the car, But Knoglege just pushed it along. FACT: Imagination Helped Create the Internet Knowlege just helped again.

Monday, October 6, 2008

My Life

Well we will start off with my name Noah.. My dad "Jeff" lives in Hawaii, so i cant see him much People when there parents are split up usaly there dad still lives near them or they can drive to go se him, but i cant and people dont under stand that. My mom got remmarried to a guy Named Mike thats what i call him i dont call him dad or anything, hes a nice guy. I dont have a job and i dont need one no madder what people say. My mom is one of the most amazing people ever she always has taken care of me and my sisters no madder how rough it got, My Sister Lydia, She is one of the amazing sister!!! we have fun when we hangout and she is one of the funniest people in the world. Raechel i love her to death we get in fights and some times but i love her. My Cousin Cannon, hes my best freind, Kinda like my brother, we go through rough times we get in fights just like every one else, no madder what we get in were in it together, i love him to death.