Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Censorship and my opinion

I believe the school does need a filter...but not as much as they are doing it.. there is some sites that def. need to be blocked like the site "myspace" because that is there is some things that are on that site that are not appropriate for school as in cuss words inappropriate pictures. Games are also a good thing to block, trust me i love to play video games but school is not the time to be playing games. The Things i think that shouldnt be blocked "" that is the site email i use all the time and i cant get to it here, why i think it should be unblocked is because i spend most of my time at school, and it would be nice to be able to access that. Also stuff for class that you have to research like "under age drinking" or stuff like "movie stuff" not sure if that is still censored but last time i tried to go there it got blocked. so i think they should Minimize the censorship