Tuesday, October 21, 2008

9/11 was it all a lie?

9/11 seemed like just a normal day, but around 8:44 am the first plane hit the right tower. Then around 9 am the second plane hit the next tower. yes this is tragic but was it a act of terrorism? There has been people that defiantly done there research, if you look at this picture that is right before the plane hits..that's not a good picture of it if it wasn't so blurry you could see the shadow of the plane doest meet, what is up with the flash before the plane even hits the building first?? Now look at the pictures of the planes same planes why do they look different?? look at the top picture you can barrly see it but there is some weird stuff on the plane. Here is the link to the site i got the pictures from you will beable to see better But why would the government do this to its own country, does not make sence. i havent done as much research as others but i will have more posted later.